Coming this Sunday July 17, 2016 is Blueprints: a free-to-download EP released by Greece's own 33 Recordings.
This has been a year-long collaboration with my good buddies One Arc Degree who have previously remixed my single 'The Ghost Music' as well as some other projects. In my opinion, One Arc Degree have become the masters of deep, atmospheric electronica and Blueprints is no exception.
This 4 track EP consists of an A-DUFF original (Ethereal) and a One Arc Degree original (Boimarc). We then swapped our samples, stems and midi files to recreate our own interpretations of each other's tracks.
The final result is a moody, atmospheric journey over 20 minutes that I think is perfect for listening to late at night while reading a sci-fi novella with a mug of hot chocolate.
Previews are below and more information will be released along with the EP on July 17 (18th Australian time).
The primary artwork was also done by yours truly and for those interested it comes from one of those beautiful photos released to the public by SpaceX